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Murata vortex spinning machine MVS 870

Date:2015/12/28 19:27:43 Hits:1503

The origin of the murata machinery groupis to provide jacquard weaving machine for the high quality silk knitting madein Japan's ancient capital, Kyoto. Since Jacquard machine manufacturing and salein 1935, the main products have been transferred to automatic winders and spinningmachines, but the machinery that consistently produces "fiber" hasbeen working with our customers -- the fiber industry.With the technology ofautomation and provincialization, it has developed many new technologiesindependently, and has provided many innovative products for society.

Especially, the development of knotlessyarn correct wiring device "air blow twister" achieved by theautomatic winding machine with air compression force has made a greatcontribution to improving textiles and knitting goods, due to the improvementofyarn quality.Enlarging the extent of the spinning machine and improving theefficiency and speed of textile machinery and weaving machine made the historyof the fiber industry be changed dramatically.

In addition, the development of all kindsof automatic handling system and the practical application of the world'sfastest method of textile, etc., many technology developments make muratamachinery fiber machinery enterprise supported by customers around the world.As a backbone enterprise of textile machinery production, murata has receivedhigh evaluation.